TTouch training to support your animals wellbeing, behaviour & training. Most commonly used to date on companion animals (dogs, cats etc.) & widely used within the equine community. But all animals can benefit using the right techniques to help underlying problems.
One of the more exotic
animals worked with
TTouch techniques
A Veterinarian Defines Ttouch by Tom Beckett DVM“TTOUCH reduces the physical and mental stress created by human contact, handling, environment and other sub-optimum environmental conditions. It reduces chronic pain and poor functioning which also cause stress. injuries often leave a holding pattern of pain and impaired function in the injured area. This pattern persists below awareness long after healing is complete and blocks use of that body part and thereby creates stress on distant areas which must then overwork to compensate. Such chronic distress effects general health, ‘mood’ and behaviour. When pain or impaired nerve or muscle function disable a part of the body, TTouch induces the animal to activate any available alternate neuromuscular pathways to restore function. The awareness it brings often relieves associated pain.
TTeam uses TTouch to bring these patterns to awareness, and exercises which guide the organization of more healthful, balanced movement. With continued exposure to TTeam, animals develop more ability to operate in a calm, focused mode. Responses to new situations become less automatic and more considered. The animal learns to learn. This along with more body awareness and awareness of environment yields more adaptability, more appropriate action.”
Please Note:TTouch is not a replacement for appropriate veterinary attention and should never be used as such.
If you suspect that the animal in your care has a physical problem please consult your veterinarian.
TTeam uses TTouch to bring these patterns to awareness, and exercises which guide the organization of more healthful, balanced movement. With continued exposure to TTeam, animals develop more ability to operate in a calm, focused mode. Responses to new situations become less automatic and more considered. The animal learns to learn. This along with more body awareness and awareness of environment yields more adaptability, more appropriate action.”
Please Note:TTouch is not a replacement for appropriate veterinary attention and should never be used as such.
If you suspect that the animal in your care has a physical problem please consult your veterinarian.